0123 Alaskan Way, Seattle, WA
How it Works
Join the Billfold Community today and get all benefis. As a member, you get direct access to the wholesale rates set by the card brands. We protect our merchants with a chargeback and fraud department that provides the highest level of security. We're your partner when it comes to merchant services. Our members accept credit cards with confidence knowing they’re only paying what they have to.
No Consolation & IRS Fees
No Negotiating
Dedicated Service & Support
We offer online invoicing solutions, integrations into point-of-sale systems and countertop terminals, online shopping carts, and an industry-leading API. Using Billbold’s robust dashboard and reports give you insight into all areas of your business, allowing you to streamline your processes. With real-time information available to you on your mobile device from anywhere, your information is always at your fingertips.